Researca detailed feature list

Researca detailed feature list

Here is a detailed list of the features of Researca, the knowledge management platform built on top of an RSS agregator.

  • Starter features are marked with a 1️⃣
  • Advanced features are marked with a 2️⃣

Customised knowledge

Using Researca you can build your own knowledge base, using the sources you select.

  • Follow unlimited bundles of sources (1️⃣)
  • Reader’s mode (1️⃣)
  • Save the articles you like for later use (1️⃣)
  • Organise your multiple source in “domains” because we all have multiple interests (1️⃣)
  • Add unlimited custom feeds (1️⃣)

Discover, learn, remember

Part of our product is ensuring you remember what you read, so you can use this knowledge at another time.

  • Add articles to a learning path (soon 1️⃣)
  • Generate flash card for article to remember them (soon 2️⃣)
  • Audio transcription using AI (2️⃣)

Search, filter, tag

Avoid getting overwhelm by the information collected and read.

  • Search through our database of articles (soon)
  • Filters and ban words to reduce the scope of your findings (soon)
  • Automatically tag articles to make discoverability easier (soon)
  • Summarize articles using AI (soon)